Governance The club is governed according to its bylaws (also available in MS Word). The bylaws were adopted on July 26, 2005 by a vote of 81% of the membership. The results of that election, and an accompanying survey, were published in the July 2005 Newsletter. The current term for the elected officers runs until March 15, 2009. Current officers are: President - Frank Vogel III Vice-President - John Magill Secretary/Treasurer - TBD We need people that want to get involved in different aspects of the club. One possibility is becoming a USCF Tournament Director to occasionally serve as an alternate for the other TDs in running the monthly rated tournament. It's easy to become a TD; please ask if you are interested. Other possibilities include running the website, writing the monthly newsletter, organizing unrated tournaments, holding analysis and discussion sessions. Financial statements, short-term and long-term plans available to members upon request. Talk to Frank or John if you want to know more about the workings of the club. Tournament Directors
Frank Vogel III |
Contact: [email protected]
Copyright © 2006 Cranston-Warwick Chess Club